Why are Wednesdays our FAVORITE night of the week??

Because that’s when RMNT Student Nights happen! Connect with other students. Get to know adults who are genuinely interested in your life.
And learn more about God and why He cares about you. Oh, and we can’t forget the music and stage games (prizes included).

RMNT Students

WEDNESDAY || 7:00-8:30PM

You’ll have TONS of fun worshiping God and listening to a great message. Afterward, spend time in a small group getting to know other students and adults that care about you. Ready to have the time of your life?

RMNT Youth Calendar

Additional Information


Set yourself up for success by pre-registering students! That way, when you get to church, all you need to do is sign in, and you're ready to go.

Safety & Security

All Student volunteers and staff are background-checked and trained before they start volunteering—so know that your student are in safe hands. 

Student Care

Student Care supports students with disabilities and additional needs grades 6-12 so that they can attend church and know Jesus!

Stay Connected

Follow along with what's happening in Students  or email us with comments and questions. We'd love to connect with you!